Friday, February 5, 2021

Morning in the Realm: A New Poem

Every morning I go downstairs to write, and I look out at the expansive sky, the land below the hill we live on, and over to the hill on the other side of the avenue.  There's an apartment building on that hill that often catches the first beams of sun rising over the larger hills to the east.  Sometimes I imagine the building as a castle, lit up by the dawning light.  Here's a photo in which you can get a glimpse of this place:

Why am I telling you this?  Well, the "castle" came into this small poem this week.  Really, there's nothing at all spectacular about the morning, the building, or the poem.  But I can tell you, when I manage to have mornings like this, I am truly grateful.

The sun rises
above the
eastern peaks
and lights up
the pale walls
of the castle 
on the hill.
A black bird
wings west and
suddenly drops
as it hastens,
then rights itself
and lands on top
of a spindly pine.
This is morning
in the realm,
the bluing sky 
smeared with clouds,
the regal trees still
in the calm 
morning light.
Another day begins,
and we, too,
begin again,

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