Friday, July 10, 2015

The Mandate

Thankfully, I am still processing what transpired in the intensive.  I am glad and grateful to still be working on it (thank you, Deena), despite the craziness of life these days.

The words spoken
were more
than words.
They were
an imperative,
seeds thrust
into the fertile soil
of the soul.
The sound,
tonality, gesture,
accent, passion
all dissipated
on the wind.
But what was implanted
gives way to sprouting,
demanding to
unfurl into the
It requires water –
tears or intention -
to truly
take root and
So far,
nothing visible
has emerged.
Without an application
of trust and
fierce determination,
this potential life
will die before
branching or
bearing fruit.
But what is invisible now
remains resolute and
doggedly digs in.
So, fall into
the usual pattern
of disregard and
disbelief, or
accept the charge,
tend this garden,
and let the words
do their work.

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